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Programmes, pathways, modules and more

  • Basics

  • What is the Portal?
    • The Portal is a Learning Management System (LMS) designed and built for the healthcare workforce. Using the Portal, you can find e-learning content relevant to your training needs and learn at your own pace anywhere, anytime. The Portal stores your learning activity so you can use this record as evidence of your training or continuing professional development.

      The learning content within the Portal is organised hierarchically across three main levels:

      Programme > Module > Session

      Content is organised in different ways depending on the clinical lead – often in line with a specific curriculum.

      A programme is the highest level of the content hierarchy. It contains modules and may also include learning paths. In turn, modules and learning paths contain sessions. Some sessions feature solely questions and answers and learning scores for these sessions may be recorded in the LMS. The introductory page alerts you to any scoring system and so please bear this in mind before proceeding. Any score recorded in the Portal will be reported in your activity reports.

      Find out more about reports.

  • What is a programme?
    • A programme brings together learning content in a structured way. This is organised into modules and learning paths. A module or learning path contains sessions, which are the actual units of learning content.

      You can access your programmes in the My e-Learning section of the Portal.

  • What is a learning path?
    • A learning path is a special type of module that is tailored to a specific user audience, condition, treatment or investigation. It could contain the same sessions as a normal module but in a different order. Furthermore, learning paths could combine additional content from other programmes. Learning paths are a good way to target content to achieve a specific learning outcome.

      Learning paths can be created for organisations. Some learning paths are available in existing programmes (such as Clinical Oncology in the Radiology programme). Please email us for details:

  • What is a session?
    • A session is a single element of learning within a module. This is the actual learning content that you complete, as shown in the example below from the ACUMEN programme:

      e-Learning session shown before launch

      Different programmes use different session types, depending on the learning objective.

  • Accessing the e-learning content

  • How do I access the e-learning?
      1. Register with eIntegrity.
      2. Log in to the Portal.
      3. Either search for content or go to the My e-Learning section and browse for content that you have already purchased.

           Find out more about:

  • How do I find out more information about content on the Portal?
    • Every programme, module, learning path and session has an information page, under My e-Learning, with more details on that component. You can access the information page by clicking on the relevant ‘i’ button, as shown in the example below:

      Session 'i' information button

      The information page contains a variety of information, which may include a description, the publication date, keywords and any quick links.

  • How can I access a programme?
    • You can either purchase your licence for the programme on the relevant programme page on our website or alternatively, if you are an existing user, you can purchase a new programme from within the Portal.

  • How can I access the content once I’ve bought a programme licence?
    • The programme will be automatically added to your account. You can see your learning content from the My e-Learning section, available from the main menu.

  • Do I need to add modules to my account?
    • No. All modules within your programme(s) will be made available to you automatically when you purchase a product from the eIntegrity website.

  • Do I need to add learning paths to my account?
    • No. All learning paths within your programme(s) will be available once you’ve made a purchase. Some learning pathways are available as separate programmes – such as Clinical Oncology and ICM learning pathways.

  • How does a learning path differ from a module?
    • Each programme is divided into modules and each session in the programme can normally be found once within those modules. If you work through every session in every module in turn, you will eventually complete the whole programme. Modules can be organised in many ways, including along anatomical lines (such as muscular and skeletal or gastro-intestinal), by level (such as introductory and advanced) or by patient (geriatric, neonatal etc).

      A learning path offers an alternative route through the learning content that runs in parallel to the modules. For example, if the modules are organised along anatomical lines, there may be a series of learning paths based on investigation (ultrasound, MRI etc).

      We can also create learning paths for organisations in some circumstances. Please email us for details:

  • If I complete a session from a learning path, will I have to complete it again from another part of the system (e.g. from a course)?
    • No. The learning path content list provides a mirror view from any other part of the system. So, if you start or complete a session from one place (including Favourites), the status remains the same – regardless of where you are viewing it from.

  • Sessions

  • Do I need to add sessions to my account?
    • No. All sessions are automatically made available to you when you make a purchase from the eIntegrity website.

  • What types of sessions are available through the Portal?
    • Programmes use different session types, depending on the learning objective:

      • Knowledge sessions cover specific knowledge and skills, including practical clinical skills and general professional skills.
      • Scenario sessions simulate a particular clinical situation and you work your way through the scenario and decide which actions to take.
      • Assessment and multiple-choice question sessions test your understanding of a particular subject area.
      • eLibrary sessions provide supporting resources, typically taken from medical journals that have been selected by a project’s editorial team.