This is where you enter a search term(s) in the search field at the top of the screen and press enter. The search will only find keywords that are listed in the information within each session/module/programme.
If you enter two terms into the search field, you will only be shown results that include both search terms. For example, entering ‘MRI CT’ will show sessions with both MRI and CT as keywords but you will not be shown sessions with just MRI as a keyword.
Simple Search with Filters
If you select the arrow to the right of the search field, you can select certain filters for your search.
These filters allow you to:
Search all content in the system, or just search the content on which you are enrolled.
Search within a particular programme or programmes.
Search for a particular type of component (e.g. just search for sessions).
Search for content with a particular status (e.g. content that you have not started yet).
Advanced Search
Select the ‘Advanced Search’ link from the under the main Search button.
You will still have the same filters but you can also exclude search terms (e.g. search for ‘melanoma’ but not ‘malignant’) and search for content which you have accessed within a particular date range.
In the Advanced Search, you still have the same filters but you can also exclude search terms (e.g. search for ‘melanoma’ but not ‘malignant’) and search within a particular date range.